
Nonlinear algebra


The class meets 10:00am-11:15am on Mondays and Wednesdays.  
Classroom: RE-102


In this course we will discuss systems of polynomial equations (ideals), their solution sets (varieties), and how these objects can be effectively manipulated (algorithms). This is a theoretical course with view toward applications, treating structure, properties and relationships of these objects. Writing and communicating mathematical concepts is an important part of the course.


Math 230 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics or Math 332 Elementary Linear Algebra. In particular, familiarity with proofs and mathematical structures.

(Note: our textbook says it assumes knowledge of linear algebra. If you have not taken 332 yet and are worried about matrices - you probably met a matrix or two in your calculus courses. You should be able to catch up on the concepts needed in our text; ask, and you will be provided background information on such topics if they arise.)


Sonja Petrović

Office: RE 208.
Office hours: Wednesdays 11:30am-12:30pm and Mondays  11:30am-12:30pm.  
e-contact: The best way to e-communicate with the instructor is via Slack (-->Link to sign up <--). If you must email, please use sonja.petrovic@iit.edu and put the course number in the subject line. Your message will generally be answered within 1-2 business/teaching days

Graduate assistant

While we do not have a dedicated TA for this course, you may visit any of our graduate students in RE-129 for help and tutoring. They are available to help any student, although if it's busy they will prioritize students in courses they are TAing for. 

The graduate assistant for this course is TBD - if we have one, they will hold office hours in RE-129, time tbd.e-contact: The best way to contact the TA is to post a note on Slack; for example, post questions, photos of your work, etc. to the Homework Slack channel! For particular personal homework grading inquiries you can send a DM, or email TBD@hawk.iit.edu.

Learning in teams, online and offline... 

The  covid-19 pandemic has taught us to quickly pivot to online learning... with that in mind, I'm keeping some of the advice on best practices for online learning here... just in case!
Also, one of the lessons learned from the pandemic is how important active learning is. Teamwork can totally change your learning outcomes, too. 

Please check out the help pages (Help! and Help getting organized) where I've posted some information you may find useful, or also this resource with tips: